Shopping Center Lease Due Diligence – The Importance of Estoppel Clauses in Commercial Leases

May 27, 2022 In this post, I talk about doing due diligence on a pile of leases for a shopping center. The shopping center had long been owned by the same family. That is always the first sign that the leasing is going to be problematic - when the same family owns any real property… Continue reading Shopping Center Lease Due Diligence – The Importance of Estoppel Clauses in Commercial Leases

Essentials of Rent Stabilization – Key Strategies for Real Estate Investors, A Practical Guide to Investment Real Estate, by Michael L. Landsman, Esq.

May 12, 2022 If you are contemplating buying New York City multifamily real estate, be you an experienced investor or somebody new to the game, you are crazy if you do not buy a copy of this book just published, in Spring 2022, by my friend and colleague, Michael L. Landsman, Esq., entitled “Key Strategies… Continue reading Essentials of Rent Stabilization – Key Strategies for Real Estate Investors, A Practical Guide to Investment Real Estate, by Michael L. Landsman, Esq.

Waiting for a Train in Forest Hills on the Day a Rent Stabilization Case Ended Well

April 28, 2022 As I write this, it is a gorgeous late April 2022 afternoon, and I am sitting on the Long Island Railroad platform in Forest Hills, Queens. I’m trying to get home. It’s sunny, cool and windy, just a perfect day. Every tree has blossoms. I just came from the home of my… Continue reading Waiting for a Train in Forest Hills on the Day a Rent Stabilization Case Ended Well

Pandemic Outdoor Dining, Its Interesting Landlord and Tenant Litigation Implications

February 2022 During the Pandemic, I represented many New York City restaurant tenants and many New York City landlords of restaurants. One thing that made working on a landlord and tenant dispute involving a restaurant during the Pandemic different than cases involving other types of businesses was the advent of outdoor dining, the New York… Continue reading Pandemic Outdoor Dining, Its Interesting Landlord and Tenant Litigation Implications

“Bringing a Landlord and Tenant Case to a Satisfying Conclusion”, a Michelle Itkowitz Lawline CLE: Making Eviction Day Happen or Preventing Eviction Day from Happening

November 2021 In this post, I provide an excerpt from my March 19, 2021 Lawline continuing legal education program entitled “New York Landlord & Tenant Litigation: Bringing the Case to a Satisfying Conclusion”. This except if from a very important section entitled “Making Eviction Day Happen or Preventing Eviction Day”. July 2022 Quick Update: This… Continue reading “Bringing a Landlord and Tenant Case to a Satisfying Conclusion”, a Michelle Itkowitz Lawline CLE: Making Eviction Day Happen or Preventing Eviction Day from Happening

Landlord and Tenant Litigation – In the Courtroom, a Michelle Itkowitz Lawline CLE; Answering Summary Proceedings: Possible Tenant Defenses

September 2021 In this post, I provide an excerpt from my February 19, 2021 Lawline continuing legal education program entitled “Landlord and Tenant Litigation – In the Courtroom”. This except if from a very important section entitled “Answering Summary Proceedings”. July 2022 Quick Update: This CLE has been available for 17 months. In that time,… Continue reading Landlord and Tenant Litigation – In the Courtroom, a Michelle Itkowitz Lawline CLE; Answering Summary Proceedings: Possible Tenant Defenses

Introduction to Landlord and Tenant Litigation: Getting a Case Started, a Michelle Itkowitz Lawline CLE; Occupancy Relationships

July 2021 In this post, I provide an excerpt from my January 26, 2021 Lawline continuing legal education program entitled “Introduction to Landlord and Tenant Litigation: Getting a Case Started”. This except is from a very important section entitled “Occupancy Relationships”. July 2022 Quick Update: This CLE has been available for 18 months. In that… Continue reading Introduction to Landlord and Tenant Litigation: Getting a Case Started, a Michelle Itkowitz Lawline CLE; Occupancy Relationships