Legal Fancy Footwork Gets Dancewave Its Money Back


November 22, 2010

May 2010 Settlement of Interest

We provided pro bono representation to a Park Slope youth dance studio, Dancewave, that was scammed out of more than $8,000.00 in a check fraud scheme on the eve of a triumphant trip to an international recital. We filed suit in Manhattan for fraud against the travel agency involved, in order to get it to provide an affidavit of forged endorsement. Once the travel agent provided the affidavit, we worked with the client’s bank to put pressure on the client’s bank to return the funds.
Minuet in Civil Court! Dancewave Sues Rogue Travel Agent


By Gersh Kuntzman
The Brooklyn Paper

February 17, 2010

“Worse, Dancewave‘s performers are not wealthy scions or debutantes. “Most of the students involved could not afford to take this trip,” Itkowitz wrote in his court papers. “But they were so excited about this special opportunity that they held a special fundraising dance performance and even babysat to get the money necessary for the trip.””  Read More…
Legal Fancy Footwork Gets Dancewave It’s Money Back

By Claire Glass

The Brooklyn Paper
April 19, 2010
“”Ultimately the bank that accepts the fraudulent deposit is on the hook for the loss,” said Itkowitz.” Read More…